Thanks for visiting! I'm Alicia, the author of this blog, and I love sharing bits of our life here and on social media. Back in 2008, when my oldest was only a month old, I started Making Time For Mommy as a way to make time for myself and meet other moms. I hope this blog encourages you to make time for yourself, gives you ideas for family fun, and provides easy tips you can incorporate into your busy life!      ---read more about me here ---

Think Outside The (Easter) Basket

Every Easter I buy baskets to put goodies in. I don’t just pick any old basket. I take my time. I choose the cutest baskets I can find. I then search multiple stores for yummy candies and fun toys. I buy the colorful Easter grass so that I can nestle the goodies in the basket. … Read more

10 Things I’m Loving Right Now

1) Resale season (cute, cheap clothes. enough said.) 2) Dark Cherry Iced Mochas from Starbucks (have you tried this new flavor?) 3) Singing (I’m in the Passion Play at my Church this weekend) 4) Warmer weather (such a nice change from the cold) 5) A clean car (thank you, Sinisa!) 6) Date nights (lately it’s … Read more

Menu Plan Monday (3/22/10)

Mon- Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Peas Tues- Cheddar Barbecue Chicken, Buttery Noodles, Corn Wed- Dinner at Church Thurs- Turkey Burgers, Salad Fri- Chicken Alfredo Pizza Weekend- Leftovers (I’m in the Passion Play all weekend so I need quick dinners)

Introduce YOUR Blog

HAPPY SATURDAY!! :) Hope you all are enjoying your weekend so far. I am spending time with my family this weekend but I wanted to invite everyone to share their blog with me. If you blog I would love for you to leave a comment below with the link to your favorite post you have … Read more

From Frumpy To Fab

This week I joined the “Frumpy to Fab” challenge over at ‘A Proverbs Wife’. Since I was pregnant with Jacob in 2008 I have pretty much lived in sweats and t-shirts (when I wasn’t working). I wanted to focus on six things this week (in regards to my appearance): 1) I wanted to not wear … Read more

Don’t Turn Away

Below is a guest post from Kristi Stephens about the upcoming series on her blog. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have an odd defense mechanism with things that make me uncomfortable – I go to sleep! When on long car trips through the mountains with no exits in sight, or stuck in a traffic jam in a tunnel, … Read more