I’m Not Really A Gamer But…

This is a sponsored post but all thoughts are my own.

I’m going to start this post off by admitting that I’m not really much of a gamer. Growing up as part of the first generation to have computers and handheld gaming devices as a child, I really only have a couple memories of childhood gaming experiences. The fondest memory is playing video games with my siblings in the basement. The way my brothers would laugh as they watched me attempt to play some of those classic video games will forever stay with me. You see, back then, I played video games by moving the controller and basically my whole body in the direction I wanted that little character on the screen to move. If I wanted the character to jump I’d literally pop up like I was magically going to make them copy my actions. During those years as well I played a computer game many in my generation played. You know the one where we spent our time trying not to die of dysentery or some other random disease as we traveled in a covered wagon?

Fast forward to adulthood and wow, how things have changed. My boys have more gaming options now, at 7 and 8 years old, than I did the first 25 years of my life. No longer do you have to blow on video games to get them to work since they are all either on disks or saved on the cloud. And computer games? Completely different! Floppy disks are a thing of the past, as are most games on disc, as the internet brings us a wealth of games right at our finger tips. Best of all, gaming isn’t limited to our home, in front of our television or our computer, because with smartphones we can have all the gaming action we want on the little device we carry around with us wherever we go.

I’ve discovered all the gaming fun I’ve been missing over the years when I discovered Panda Pop. It’s an addictive game where the main objective is to rescue baby pandas from an evil baboon by strategically bursting matching bubbles to help beat him & return the cubs to their worried mother. As you work your way through increasingly challenging levels there are a number of “powerups” and combos that you can use, all of which you learn throughout the game. There are currently over 1,000 levels in the game so this isn’t a game you will get bored of.

What I like most of all is the social aspect of the game. You can connect the game to your Facebook account and compete with friends through the game. I got Sinisa hooked on it and he loves it and we have a little friendly competition going in our home on who can get through the levels faster. You can also sync the game across multiple devices which is nice when you want to play on both your computer and your phone.

Having spent the past month or so playing the game, I am kicking myself for not discovering it sooner. It’s kept me sane during long road trips and been a nice break during busy work days. If you are playing Panda Pop, I’d love to hear what level you are on! I’m currently on 150.

If you haven’t downloaded this game yet, what are you waiting for? You can download it here. Have fun poppin’ bubbles!

9 thoughts on “I’m Not Really A Gamer But…”

  1. Looks like a fun colorful game. A great distraction and time passer when I am sitting and waiting for kids in their activities!

  2. I’m not much of a gamer either, but every once in a while a quirky game comes along and it draws me in. Nothing gets done and it consumes me. This might just be one of those!

  3. HI Alicia,

    I have been playing games from childhood. I’m a huge fan of playing latest games. I remember that when I was child, had bought a video game by the insistence of my father. But now I have a smartphones which is loaded with latest trendy games.

    Since Panda Pop comes free to play and enjoy, I like playing this game. I love playing online games and playing this game is so interesting to save the baby Pandas. Playing this game provides so much fun and entertainment. I must recommend this game for person who feel alone. They can prefer to play this game for time pass.

    Thanks for the wonderful share.
    Have a nice day.
    – Ravi.

  4. Oh man do I miss playing Oregon Trail–those were the days when everything was so simple. I think the games these days are fun but I guess I am just showing my 31 yr old self.


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