What is Blogmania? 170 blogs each offering giveaways worth $100 or more from Sept. 15, 2010 at 12:01 am – 12:00am (EST) Sept. 17, 2010. You do NOT have to be a blogger to enter to win (you never do)! Good luck :)
Making Time For Mommy (1 person wins all!):
*Tempur-Pedic All-Purpose Pillow (ERV- $50)
*Rembrandt 2 Hour Whitening Kit (ERV- $20)
*Johnson’s Natural Body Lotion (ERV- $4)
*Softlips lip butter, lip gloss, and lip tint (ERV- $13)
*Schick Intuition Plus Razor (ERV- $10)
*Dove Ultimate Deodorant (ERV- $4)
*Tri-Aktiline Instant Deep Wrinkle Filler (ERV- $40)
*Align Digestive Care Probiotic Supplement (ERV- $30)
*Paris Hilton Tease Perfume .25 Ounce Bottle (ERV- $10)
*What The Yuck?! The Freaky & Fabulous Truth About Your Body book (ERV- $20)
How To Enter (leave a comment for each):
1. Follow me on Twitter (@aliciamarie112)
2. Tweet: “I just entered to win a $200 prize pack from @aliciamarie112 at www.makingtimeformommy.com #giveaway “
3. “Like” Making Time For Mommy on Facebook
4. Subscribe to Making Time For Mommy through email or RSS (links in upper right hand corner of blog in sidebar)
5. Enter another giveaway on my blog (let me know which one you entered)
6. Write a note about this giveaway on Facebook or a blog post and include link to this post (leave url in comment)
Rules: Giveaway ends on September 17th at 12am EST. Must be at least 18 and have a postal address in the US.
(Disclosure: All items that I am giving away came from the BlogHer conference I attended in August. A big thank you to all the companies that were there.)
Want to see the other bloggers participating? Check out this list! Good luck :)
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sorry did that twice..please delete this comment
I entered your Escaping the Cauldron book giveaway!
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I entered the TI-Nspire Graphing Calculator Giveaway.
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Christmas Countdown Giveaways!
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Diane MeHimAndTheCats
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I’m following on Twitter! @LyssLovingLyla
Oh this is a GOOD one! Would love to win, thank you for hosting such a great giveaway and to your sponsors a big thank you!
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writeroxie at gmail
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What a great giveaway!! I follow you through email!!
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Looks like fun!
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Great prizes!
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Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
Love & Hugs,
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Love & Hugs,
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my mom would love a lot of this!
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Following you on Twitter – @FlFrugalFamily. I tweeted and have RT others.
Thanks for the chance,
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I follow you on Twitter – just realized this is a separate entry…@FlFrugalFamily
Thanks for the chance,
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Email: renee at aglimpseofbeautiful.com
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great gifts
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Wonderful giveaway. Thank you. I like you on facebook(sue brandes)
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(Hey – is your name really Alicia Marie – that’s MY name!)
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Thanks for hosting this Blogmania giveaway! :) I follow you on Twitter (@CommonplaceBook).
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I also entered your awesome TI-Nspire giveaway. Thanks! :)
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great prizes! I follow you on facebook
thanks for the chance
msboatgal at aol.com
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I entered the TI-Nspire Graphing Calculator and Math Makeover Kit contest. Thanks!
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Thanks for this sweet contest! :)
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Entered the Helping Your Teens with Acne contest, for my daughter who has bad acne.
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Leslie Malone
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entered. Thanks!
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Crazy Cat Lady
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Crazy Cat Lady
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I follow you on twitter. ID: Lyndadawinda
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I “LIKE” you on Facebook! ID: Lynda Castillo
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
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Kellie Stone
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following on Twitter womenslifelink
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“I just entered to win a $200 prize pack from @aliciamarie112 at http://www.makingtimeformommy.com #giveaway “
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Movie star madness package
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BookNoise at gmail dot com
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jas8929 at gmail dot com
twitter follower – @donnas1
bacchus76 at myself dot com
tweet – http://twitter.com/DonnaS1/statuses/24632473782
bacchus76 at myself dot com
awesome giveaway !
twitter follower pams00
Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com
tweet =
Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com
facebook friend/fan Pamela Sinclair
Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com
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Pam S
pams00 @ aol.com
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kim777 at aol dot com
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Entered the ziplock giveaway!kim777 at aol dot com
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I want that pillow most of all! Twitter follower @tjotjoc
Email subscriber.
i follow you on twitter where i am godlyhomemaker
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I entered Ziploc Giveaway.
follow twitter @highlight4u
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amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
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amyfedorchak1 AT gmail DOT com
Tweeted! as lifewithruthie
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I feel pampered just thinking about these prizes!
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reenajacobs at reenajacobs dot com
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reenajacobs at reenajacobs dot com
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joanne major
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I am following you on Twitter @Xocaisgood!
2. Tweet: http://twitter.com/ReenaJacobs/statuses/24636370600
thanks for the great giveaway
reenajacobs at reenajacobs dot com
I just tweeted! http://twitter.com/xocaisgood/status/24636436682
I subscribe to your RSS Feed with Google Reader!
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I blogged here! http://helena-agalneedsatleast2blogs.blogspot.com/2010/09/great-giveaways_14.html
facebook fan!
kmc.love @ gmail.com
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Thanks! foxsquirrelrabbit at gmail dot com
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mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com
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Mickey Coutts
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