Thanks for visiting! I'm Alicia, the author of this blog, and I love sharing bits of our life here and on social media. Back in 2008, when my oldest was only a month old, I started Making Time For Mommy as a way to make time for myself and meet other moms. I hope this blog encourages you to make time for yourself, gives you ideas for family fun, and provides easy tips you can incorporate into your busy life!      ---read more about me here ---

Fun In The Sun (And A Giveaway)

Jacob and Lucas recently had a playdate with their cousins, Camden and Maddie. They spent most of the time outside in the sun. As you can see, all four children are very fair skinned. It’s really important for them to wear sunscreen when they are in the sun like that. Usually we just use a … Read more

Jacob’s 2nd Birthday

Jacob turned two years old on Friday, June 4th. We celebrated his birthday by spending the morning playing at home and after nap went to an indoor play place and a train themed restaurant for dinner. Jacob and Lucas had a lot of fun and I wanted to share some pictures from the day. Tell … Read more

Drop Dead Diva: Season 2 Preview

I always see promotions for shows on television, think to myself “I want to watch that when it comes out”, and then forget to tune in when they premiere. “Drop Dead Diva” was one of those shows. It looked like something I’d really enjoy but by the time I realized the season had started, it … Read more

Birthday Shirt Review and Giveaway

On Wednesday Jacob had some of his friends over for a birthday playdate. Here are some pictures of Jacob from the celebration: See the cute shirt he was wearing at the playdate? Mimi from Mimi’s Babies Etsy shop made it just for him. To customize the shirt I was able to choose what fabric I … Read more

Happy Second Birthday, Jacob Thomas!

Two years ago today I gave birth to my first child. Last year he turned one. And today he is two. I love him so much and I’m proud to be his mother! Happy 2nd birthday, Jake!

June Is Going To Be Awesome (Giveaway)

I am so happy that it is finally June! Here are ten reasons why: 1) My firstborn turns TWO on the 4th! 2) My “baby” turns ONE on the 25th! 3) June brings the official “start” of my favorite season (though it feels like summer has been here in Chicago for a few weeks now). … Read more

Holiday Weekend Blog Reading

Just wanted to post links to my recent posts on the two sites I contribute to weekly. is a “national network of frugal bloggers whose goal is to share their knowledge of living inexpensively”. I write about charities. Some of my recent posts include: *Creating Art To Feed The Hungry (The Bread Art Project) … Read more

Wordless Wednesday: Chocolatey Mess

I have linked this picture to: Wordless Wednesday Home 5 Minutes for Mom ~ Go Graham Go! ~ Jolly Mom ~ Look What Mom Found… ~ Mom of 3 Girls ~ Momspective ~ MomStart ~ Two of a Kind… ~ Frosted Fingers