I had so much fun putting together my Halloween themed lunch post so I figured I’d put together a post of Thanksgiving themed lunch ideas to share with you all!
Here are some of my favorites {click the pictures to be taken to the posts they are from}:









And for a snack…

Want to find more Top 10 lists? Check out OhAmanda!
I just might have to give one of these a try. At first I said no way, my kids are too old and I’m too tired, but as they photos went on I caught the fever, and now I’m trying to think of how to pack their bento boxes for next week. They will LOVE that they won’t have to make their own lunches (they are in HS, ages 17 and 14). :) Thanks for the fun ideas! ~Lori
great ideas
This is great!! Going to share it on our Facebook page. People need to know about this ;)