Last week over on I talked about how people could put together shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child without spending much money. You can read my post here.

Since National Collection Week for shoebox gifts is coming soon I’d like to brainstorm ideas on what can be put in the box. Here is a list of items I can think of:
*Flip flops *Hard candy *bouncy ball *comb *crayons *paper/coloring book *playing cards *travel sized game *book *toiletries *small stuffed animal *socks *unopened happy meal toy *play dough *small puzzle *chalk and a mini chalkboard *animal figurines *small musical instruments *finger puppets *pencil case *stickers *stamps and stamp pad
*cars *dinosaurs *trains *paper plane kits *legos *trucks *baseball cap
*lip gloss *small purse *doll *princess tiara *dress up shoes *Barbie *comb/brush set *stick on earrings *inexpensive jewelry *jacks *hair accessories
What other items can you think of?
We did this through our Mops group. I love the idea of doing this every year, sending it to a little girl the same age as my daughter. Great teaching moments. They also suggest toothbrush and toothpaste as well as bars of soap- which with coupons and sales makes these items free or close to it!
I always include at least 4 toothbrushes in my boxes so the kids can give one to mom, dad, older sibling, one for later, etc. This year I’m going to include some homemade items, things that are brightly colored, fun “kid” band-aids, flip-flops, sewing kits, glow sticks, balloons. I’m also hoping to find some inexpensive plastic bowls, cups and spoons for the boxes. A lot of kids line up for food at various places, but have no dishes. A tip I read on the OCC facebook page is to include Ivory soap because it floats. That way when the child is bathing in a stream or rive, they won’t lose it. If I was good with power tools, I’d drill a hole in the soap and tie a string on it.