Wordless Wednesday: Graduation (& Giveaway)

Morgan graduates 8th grade!

I have linked this picture to: Wordless Wednesday Home
5 Minutes for Mom ~ Go Graham Go! ~ Jolly Mom ~ Look What Mom Found… ~ Mom of 3 Girls ~
Momspective ~ MomStart ~ Two of a Kind… ~ Frosted Fingers

Today’s Giveaway:

A “Sisters” picture frame

To enter to win:

Tell me one thing that makes your sister great.


Tell me about a person who has positively impacted your life.


This giveaway will end July 9, 2010 at 11:59pm.

13 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Graduation (& Giveaway)”

  1. My sister is great because she loves me for who I am and does not judge me. When we are together, the laughter ensues and we have such a good time! We have definitely gotten closer as we have gotten older and I am so thankful for that! She is THE BEST!

  2. my sister is great because we have finally outgrown all the crap that kept us apart for so long and can move forward on our strong and loving relationship.

  3. My cousin and I were raised like sisters! She is the closest thing to a sister that I have, and I truly feel like we are sisters!

  4. I have three sisters. What makes each of them great is that they are my best friends. We may not see each other often because of the kids’ busy schedules, but we sure do talk on the phone alot!
    jackievillano at gmail dot com

  5. My sister has always been there for me. She has been there to help me deliver three of my kids while my husband was away on duty. I couldn’t have made it without her. My sister is my best friend.

    [email protected]

  6. My aunt has positively impacted my life – she’s always encouraged me to follow my heart and dreams, to not be afraid of stepping out, and to be appreciate the blessings I have. I love her.

  7. My sister is so special because she has always been there for me. She is a wonderful mother to my neice, and the greatest aunt to my son! She shows love unconditionally, and I have learned so much from her!

  8. I have a brother, but I have 2 daughters that this would be perfect for. I always wanted that sister bond, so I am trying to teach my kids to cherish that relationship! One person with a positive impact on me is the woman that runs our non-profit group. She is a real go getter & someone to look up to!

  9. I technically don’t have sisters, just a brother but I am getting married next year and my fiance has 2 sisters and I am really close to both of them. we do everything together so to us we are like sisters. we are close in age, like doing the same things, and the fact that we live close by helps.

  10. my mother has positively impacted my life- she has always taught me that hard work and determination will help me reach the dreams I have. She is my rock and my best friend!!


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