Menu Plan {Nov 21-27th}

This week’s menu plan is really easy because it includes a lot of my favorite type of leftovers: Thanksgiving Day leftovers! yum! *** *** Tuesday: Leftovers *** *** Thursday: Thanksgiving Feasts! *** Friday: Thanksgiving Leftovers *** Saturday: Ham and Green Beans (Old family recipe coming soon!!) *** Sunday: More Leftovers :)

Menu Plan Monday {November 14-20}

Trying another week of eating food we already have so we can keep our grocery bill down. This week I’m working with ground beef, ground turkey, chicken, and burger patties and I was on the lookout for meals that didn’t include many ingredients that I needed to buy. Here’s our menu plan (click the picture … Read more

Menu Plan {Nov 7-13}

Here’s our menu plan for the week. Click on the pictures to be taken to the posts they come from: *** *** *** Thursday: Mommy has a PTO meeting and then a blogging event so it’s leftover night! *** *** ***

Menu Plan {10/31- 11/6}

My goal for this week’s menu was to use what we already had in our pantry and freezer to make the meals so we have to buy as little as possible. The only meat we have to use is chicken, ground turkey, and hamburger patties. {Click on pictures to be taken to the post they … Read more

Menu Plan {October 24-30}

This week is full of events {for me} so the menu plan is a little light. (Click pictures to be taken to the recipes) *** Tuesday: Breakfast For Dinner *** Wednesday: Cheeseburgers and Sweet Potato Fries *** *** Friday: Dinner At Our Marriage Course *** *** Sunday: Crockpot Chili

Menu Plan {10/17-23}

*** {Click on pictures to be taken to the website they came from.} *** *** *** *** Thursday- leftovers *** Friday- Dinner at our Marriage Course *** Saturday- Pizza with friends ***

Menu Plan {October 10-16}

*Click on the pictures to be taken to the site they come from!* *** *** Wednesday- Leftovers (for our busiest day of the week) *** *** Friday- Dinner At Our Marriage Course *** *** Sunday- Pizza while we watch the Bears game

Menu Plan {October 3rd-9th}

I’m trying to use my slow cooker as much as possible this week. Here are the meals I plan on making. Click on the pictures to be taken to the post they come from. *** *** *** *** Friday- Dinner For Two At Our Marriage Course :) *** *** Sunday- Leftovers *** What are you … Read more