Thanks for visiting! I'm Alicia, the author of this blog, and I love sharing bits of our life here and on social media. Back in 2008, when my oldest was only a month old, I started Making Time For Mommy as a way to make time for myself and meet other moms. I hope this blog encourages you to make time for yourself, gives you ideas for family fun, and provides easy tips you can incorporate into your busy life!      ---read more about me here ---

My First Menu Plan Monday

I have never attempted a menu plan for my family before because I don’t cook. (Well, ok, I cook but not much) I have been thinking a lot about my toddler’s schedule this weekend and have decided that 1) I want him to have more structure  2) I want him to eat a larger variety … Read more

How To Get A Job In Social Media- The Mom’s Guide

Today you can find me as a guest blogger on ‘The (UN)Experienced Mom’. I love Tamara’s tagline- “Just when I figured out what to do, I went and added #2” because as a mom of two little ones I feel the very same way! My post today is a practical guide to getting a job … Read more

Create a Child’s Wardrobe on a Budget

I am very excited to announce that today is my first time guest posting on a blog. You can find me sharing my tips on how to find cheap clothes for your children at the website ‘Saving Cents With Sense’ here. Thank you Melissa for giving me the opportunity to meet your readers :) Create … Read more

Weigh-In Wednesday 2/2/10

This is my weekly “weigh-in” post for the Blog the Weight Away Competition. I was very nervous to get on the scale today because I only went to the gym one time this past week. I walked on the treadmill at a fast pace for 45 minutes. The boys and I have been sick so … Read more

How to Use is a wonderful website that I have been using for a couple of years now. The description from their website says that freecycle is “a grassroots and entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (& getting) stuff for free in their own towns. It’s all about reuse and keeping good stuff out of … Read more

Just a Bit of Perspective…

A few hours ago I was fed up. I had declared this day to be “one of my worst mommy days ever” and was literally ready for it to be tomorrow. Ok, so sometimes I can be a little dramatic… I’m sure I have had worse days but this day was seriously horrible. A little … Read more

Blog the Weight Away… My Introduction

I am joining the “Blog the Weight Away” challenge by Lauren at 4BabyAndMom. I am so excited about this. Today is my introduction post. My goals throughout this journey: 1) Lose 50 pounds 2) Go to the gym at least 4 days a week 3) Eat healthier My rewards for achieving my goals: 1) One … Read more

Help for Haiti- How Much YOU Raised…

I am overwhelmed by all of the comments and link-ups to my ‘Help for Haiti’ post. I just wanted to let you all know that BECAUSE OF YOU I am donating $48 dollars and 22 hours of my time to Feed My Starving Children. Considering every $1 provides about 6 meals, we just provided 288 … Read more