Wordless Wednesday- Today Would Have Been Her Birthday
Today is my mom’s birthday and I miss her. Epilepsy took her away from us. If you would like to donate directly to the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago you can go here
Thanks for visiting! I'm Alicia, the author of this blog, and I love sharing bits of our life here and on social media. Back in 2008, when my oldest was only a month old, I started Making Time For Mommy as a way to make time for myself and meet other moms. I hope this blog encourages you to make time for yourself, gives you ideas for family fun, and provides easy tips you can incorporate into your busy life! ---read more about me here ---
Today is my mom’s birthday and I miss her. Epilepsy took her away from us. If you would like to donate directly to the Epilepsy Foundation of Greater Chicago you can go here
My (step)mom dealt with Epilepsy for almost 9 years before being taken away in her sleep on June 17, 2009. In the almost 20 years that she was in my life she taught me a lot. Tomorrow she would have been 54 and in celebration of her life I wanted to share 10 things that … Read more
This week I am celebrating my (step)mom’s life. We will be enjoying five of our favorite meals that she made. MONDAY- Salmon Loaf, Peas, and Mashed Potatoes TUESDAY- Beef Stroganoff WEDNESDAY- Cheese Lasagna THURSDAY- Beef Brisket FRIDAY- Tacos (I had hoped to include recipes but am waiting on my dad to find our recipe box … Read more
This week in Tot School the theme is: FRIENDSHIP and the letter F,f. MONDAY Activity: Look at pictures of friends and say their names. Talk about what a “friend” is (very basic). Craft: Fingerpaint the letter F Song: ‘Make New Friends (but keep the old)’ Book: Winnie the Pooh- Two Friends TUESDAY Activity: Decorate a … Read more
The toddler years are the perfect time to introduce children to various types of art projects and to begin experimenting with different types of materials. It’s important to remember that when children are young the process is more important than the product. I love using open ended art supplies and letting children be imaginative and … Read more
Today my little sister turns 14 years old! I wanted to include part of her birth story which I wrote years ago in junior high when she was born as a preemie weighing only one pound 14 ounces. This is the story of the miracle baby: “Alicia! Wake up,” my dad uttered, as he shook … Read more
This week I am participating in ‘Thankful Thursday‘ at Grace Alone. I am most thankful for my three boys these days.