Thanks for visiting! I'm Alicia, the author of this blog, and I love sharing bits of our life here and on social media. Back in 2008, when my oldest was only a month old, I started Making Time For Mommy as a way to make time for myself and meet other moms. I hope this blog encourages you to make time for yourself, gives you ideas for family fun, and provides easy tips you can incorporate into your busy life!      ---read more about me here ---

Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward

Elmer’s will donate up to $10,000 to Adopt-A-Classroom with your participation. Join now! The Elmer’s Virtual Bag It Forward is a charity blog meme, bloggers are able to raise $10 per blog post for Adopt-A-Classroom by writing a blog post or Facebook note and donating a virtual bag of school supplies . Elmer’s will donate … Read more

Review of “Sisterly Savings” Frugal Blog

I love to save money so I was very excited when Jennifer of Sisterly Savings contacted me about reviewing her site. I often feel overwhelmed when I visit frugal sites because there is so much information. Trying to find the store deals amongst the coupon codes and freebie posts can sometimes be a daunting task. … Read more

One Week

In the past week I have… cleaned my whole house, washed massive amounts of laundry, shopped, ran errands, packed four people for vacation, spent over 30 hours in a car, ate too many cupcakes, made new friends, attended parties, rode a ferry, got a pedicure, went sightseeing in NYC, experienced disappointments, stepped out of my … Read more

Guest Post: Price Matching 101

*The following is a guest post from Shelly at Coupon Teacher.  She loves to save time and money.* ***** First, let me preface my post by saying that I am not endorsing Walmart in this post.  As a matter of fact, I avoid going to Walmart like the plague.  But for busy moms, stores that … Read more

Wordless Wednesday: Making A Splash

I have linked this picture to: Wordless Wednesday Home 5 Minutes for Mom ~ Go Graham Go! ~ Jolly Mom ~ Look What Mom Found… ~ Mom of 3 Girls ~ Momspective ~ MomStart ~ Two of a Kind… ~ Frosted Fingers

Top Ten Tuesday: Things To Do Before NYC

I am headed to NYC in about one week to attend a blogging conference known as BlogHer. In the blogging world this is THE conference to go to with over 1,500 in attendance. This is the first of probably many posts related to the conference (apologies ahead of time if you aren’t attending) and in … Read more

A Ladybug Birthday Party

This weekend I attended my niece, Madelyn’s, first birthday party. I wanted to share pictures from it to celebrate her birthday and also to share my sister-in-law’s really cute ladybug themed birthday ideas. First, is her adorable ladybug birthday shirt, tutu, and hair clip from Snuggles Of Love Etsy Shop. (Thanks again to Tami for … Read more

I’ve Found A Toddler Cup That Doesn’t Leak!!!

I recently had the chance to try a couple items from the Tommee Tippee “explora” collection. I reviewed the easi-mat, the weaning bowls, and the water bottle. The line also includes food pots and heat sensing spoons. What I love about this line is it truly reduces the amount of mess that I have to … Read more