(Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Influence-Central for Kohl’s. I received Kohl’s gift cards to facilitate my review and a thank you item for participating.)
One of my favorite stores to shop at for Christmas gifts is Kohl’s. There is something for everyone on the list. I shopped online at Kohls.com on Black Friday and Cyber Monday. One thing that draws me in at this time of year especially is the sales. Why stand in line for hours on Thanksgiving or the wee hours of Black Friday when Kohl’s has amazing deals + 20% off codes + $15 Kohl’s cash and I can shop from my couch?!
Early last week I felt so behind because I had not purchased one single thing for Christmas but now, one week from Black Friday, I’m about halfway to being done. I don’t have a ton of people to buy for which is nice. Most of my money is spent on my children and then I also buy gifts for my immediate family. From Kohl’s I’ve bought the video games my boys wanted, a building set, Christmas shirts for holiday pictures, gifts for my niece and even a gift for myself!
How is your Christmas shopping going? If you are one of the many moms I know who has a list full of Disney Frozen items to buy you need to head to Kohl’s and check out the whole line of Frozen items. Through Monday (12/8/14) there is a wonderful family & friends sale. Kohl’s cash is back and if you spend more than $100 you get 25% off your order.
Since I’ve shared Disney Frozen gifts for the kids over the past couple of months (see here and here), I thought I’d share some gifts for the whole family can enjoy (even those of us who just act like kids ;) lol).




With over 800 unique Disney Frozen gift ideas, Kohl’s will help you get your Christmas shopping done so you can spend the days cuddling with your kids or having a snowball fight instead of standing in line. Which is your favorite item from the Disney Frozen collection on Kohls.com?
To get you in the shopping mood head on over to see the Kohl’s Holiday commercial featuring the winner of the Disney Frozen Sing Your Heart Out contest! America voted Long Island sisters Katherine & Kelly Montenero the winners. See the winning video here.
Here’s something else to make shopping easy…a $100 Kohl’s gift card giveaway! It’s easy to enter. Just leave a comment telling me why you want to win. For an extra entry you can share this giveaway on social media (just leave a second comment saying you did so).
Giveaway ends December 11, 2014 at 11:59pm CST. Must be a US resident, 21 or older to win. Good luck!
I want to win so I can buy my daughter Frozen outfits and toys.
I want to win because I love shopping at Kohl’s and we need some new bath towels.
I want to win because I like shopping at Kohls. I just bought a Shark vacuum from Kohls. If I won I would give this to one of my sons for Christmas.
I posted on Facebook–https://www.facebook.com/cheryl.abdelnour/posts/10202926702156095?pnref=story
I want to win so I can buy some new winter pajamas.
I would love to win because I could use the extra help with Christmas gifts this year, & I love to shop at Kohl’s! Thanks for the chance!
[email protected]
Shared on Facebook
I shared on twitter –
[email protected]
Like to win to do some shopping for the kids this holiday season.
Thank you for your generosity. I would buy some rheumatoid arthritis friendly shoes
I want to win because my husband is in desperate need of some new Docker pants.
tweet: https://twitter.com/myfolly/status/541037654750420992
I would so love to win for my kiddos! Kohl’s has the best selection for kids clothes and my daughter is so loving all of the Frozen stuff.I totally need to get that Olaf waffle maker!
I want to win because I could really use it to get my family Christmas gifts this year..thanks for the chance:)
Joey J.
Shared on google plus! https://plus.google.com/111873226231736693166/posts/McqaHeWoaGr
Shared on twitter also:
While I keep telling myself that I’m almost done with my shopping, I am FAR FROM DONE! Since I have custody of my sister’s small children, I have 3 more kids to buy for this year (I’ve been estranged from my sister for 6 years and met these 3 kids when they arrived on my doorstep with a social worker on 1/31), and I won’t treat them any differently than I do my own 4 kids, so that makes for a HUGE shopping list! Kohl’s has the best deals, and I can shop online … in my pajamas … with kids running all over the house.
I want to use it for holiday shopping, There are a few items on my list to get at Kohl’s.
Shared on twitter: https://twitter.com/KaseeJohnson/status/541039682096623616
Shared on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/pin/291115563388221557/
I would live to win so I can finish up Christmas shopping without stressing about the money!
I would love to win this so that I can finally get myself a Keurig!
I shared this on Pinterest!
I’d love to win so I could buy an Apt.9 Cashmere Cardigan for my mom!
Shared on Twitter: https://twitter.com/warp65/status/541044555596824576
This would be great to help me purchase a few extra gifts for my two daughters this Christmas!
I want to win to be able to get Christmas presents for my kids
I’d love to win to buy my daughter the Disney Frozen Crystal Kingdom Vanity Set.
shared on pinterest–http://www.pinterest.com/pin/400046379374746109/
I want to win to buy Christmas gifts at Kohl’s
I’d love to win so I could use the GC for Christmas gifts, because my money is tight.
Shared on Twitter:
I’d love to win to go buy chirstmas gifts!
I would love to win so I can finish shopping for my family. I’m sure there would be something Frozen in my purchases. :)
I shared on Twitter. https://twitter.com/jaimieRadams/status/541051567000924160
I want to win because I buy majority of my grandsons’ clothing at Kohl’s. They have the best selection and prices. I’d love to buy them some Frozen clothing items with Olaf on them!
Shared on Facebook as Janet Watson
I’d love to win so I could spoil my family with awesome gifts!
I want to win this so I can buy mom and dad a gift.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/justtellmewhen/status/541058445042909184
I would love to win because my daughter Maybelle really wants the Frozen 12′ Bicycle! She really really wants it :)
I tweeted the giveaway as @mechelejohnson
I’d love to win to shop for Christmas presents. :)
fb shared: https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmakingtimeformommy.com%2F2014%2F12%2F05%2Fchristmas-shopping-at-kohls-100-gift-card-giveaway%2F&t=Christmas+Shopping+At+Kohl%27s+%7B%24100+Gift+Card+Giveaway%7D
It’s funny because I just ordered the monopoly Frozen game from Kohl’s on cyber Monday. My daughter is going to love it! I’d love to win so I could pick up a few more Christmas gifts. I found so many bargains shopping at Kohl’s; always a great place to shop in my opinion.
I would love to win and buy more clothes for my kids.
tweeted: https://twitter.com/SnowflakeDay/status/541075072291573760
I would love to use the gift card to buy new clothes for the family! :)
I shared! http://www.pinterest.com/pin/479703797784431719/
I would love to win to buy Christmas gifts to help make Christmas extra special this year.
I would love to win to buy thoughtful gifts from Kohls for the big family :)
Love to win as I love their store.
devyjackson at gmail.com
I wanna win because I love Kohl’s and it would help me out with the Holiday shopping.
I have between several contests for gift cards lately in hopes to win some money so that I can make my baby boy’s first Christmas as wonderful as he is but have had no luck…yet! I am hopeful for a blessing during this Christmas season. I would love to be able to buy my son and husband some nice things to show them my appreciation and gratitude for all of the joy they bring to me! I hope I win! Baby Mason, mama is gonna make it happen!
I want to win this because I love kohls. the deals are great. and with the money I would get a new keurig because ours is broken!!
I want to win this because Kohls is an amazing store. They have everything you could ever want to buy in one place for a really good price!
I would love to win to help buy clothes for the kids , we love shopping at Kohl’s.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
cshell090869 at aol dot com
I want to win because I love shopping at Kohl’s and want to get the Frozen Monopoly game for my friend’s family.
Thanks for the contest.
I’d buy some Christmas presents if I won!
I would love to get picture frames to give as gifts. They have such a beautiful selection and what a precious gift I know I love to receive, especially with a picture in it!
I would love to get picture frames to give as gifts. They have such a beautiful selection and what a precious gift I know I love to receive, especially with a picture in it!
I want to win because I love Kohl’s. They have the best deals and prices.
Shared on Twitter
I would love to win because I think shopping at Kohl’s is so much fun and I get so many great items at good deals! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!
Shared Giveaway on Facebook
This would make holiday shopping a lot easier thank you!
This would make holiday shopping a lot easier Kohls has great deals thank you!
I tweeted about giveaway https://twitter.com/NYCLaurenBeth/status/541218906359070720
i want to win to do a bit of shopping for gifts for the holidays
shared – https://plus.google.com/u/0/117322433833774024546/posts/NnrGnd6heaE
Would love to win to provide toys for christmas
I shared on twitter-
I would be able to buy some clothes with it for my grandkids.
Shared on Twitter @MaryDailey2
Shared on Pinterest pinterest.com/marika200/ It’s under Contests
Shared on Google + Mary Dailey
Shared publicly on Facebook Mary Avlos-Dailey
I have 3 little kids I need to shop for. I would love to get them some new clothes and a few toys for xmas.
I want to win because I haven’t shopped at Kohl’s in a long time. They have such a nice variety of items from A-Z.
I shared on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sheila.vives.1/posts/372199562939913?pnref=story
I would love to win because I could get my daughter an awesome gift from Kohls
Oh I would love to win and get some Olaf and Frozen things for Carter! He is so in love with Frozen and Olaf! He was even Olaf for Halloween this year! Love all the Frozen items they have at Kohls! He would go nuts over the basketball set, and the Olaf bedding set! Fun!
I would like to win so I can buy a kitchenaid mixer! I do not have a stand mixer and could really use one.
shared on facebook
I would love to win because my children adore anything Frozen and Kohls carries some wonderful items. Visited the site and I like Disney Olaf Ice Friends Comforter – Twin/Full
tweeted https://twitter.com/mummytotwoboys1/status/541275553756499968
I shared on twitter
I want to win so I can get my kids some cute Frozen winter clothes.
I would love to win because I love shopping at Kohls. They have great sales and a great selection of items.
My kid’s are obsessed with Frozen, this would be a great way to buy them some Frozen items!
I would buy winter clothes for my family. Thanks for the chance.
Pinned- http://www.pinterest.com/pin/420101471465620106/
I would love to win so I could get my granddaughters some Frozen bedding. Kohls has the cutest selection Ive seen.
I want to win because i shop at kohls all the time
I want to win because it would be great to have an extra $100 to spend for Christmas.
Would LOVE to win so I can buy myself some new clothes. Been working on losing weight and now that I’m smaller, I need to get some clothes that fit and don’t drown me! :D
Thank you for the chance!
Shared on Facebook –> https://www.facebook.com/constance.dalrymple/posts/10204280061498468
I want to win because it would give me the opportunity to spend a little more on gifts this year.
I want to win so I can get some awesome Frozen clothes for my girls and that rock star basketball set with Olaf on it.
I shared on Facebook. Link: https://www.facebook.com/KJSKIB/posts/628320387276620
I want to win because my son has outgrown all of his 4T clothes and needs an entire winter wardrobe plus I have some things I need as I only own 1 pair of blue jeans.
I would love to win because I absolutely enjoy shopping at Kohl’s They have such wonderful sales and it would be nice to get a few shirts and some towels during one of those sales or even look for a winter coat.
I would love to win because Kohl’s has everything we need! I love that store and to have some extra money to get the boys clothes would be awesome!
I retweeted with the tweet button here:
I shared on twitter
I would love to do some baby items shopping at Kohl’s. My first granddaughter was just born.
Id love to win this so I can give my mom a nice xmas gift!! thank you so much for the chance
I shared this giveaway on pinterest.
Also, how will the winner be notified ?
Winner is emailed with email address used to leave comment
Tweeted for 2nd entry- https://twitter.com/Cinderella10383/status/541451258372972544
I would love to buy my son new clothes and shoes for Christmas!! This would be the best win!! Thank you :-)
I want to win because I want to use this for holiday shopping.
[email protected]
I would Love to win because my teenage son is growing like a weed and this would help with jeans :)
I would like to win so that I may buy my husband a couple of jeans and maybe a piece of costume jewelry for myself. Thank you for the chance to participate.
I’d love to win because Kohl’s has everything you could want. Plus my daughter loves Frozen.
Tweet. https://mobile.twitter.com/begesw84/status/541487195534524417
I would like to win so I can buy some new clothes from Kohl’s.
Love to win! We just moved this year and don’t have a lot of extra to spend for gifts…though my family deserves everything & more!
I want to win so I can get some new sweaters.
tweeted https://twitter.com/mom22girlz/status/541511074277642240
i love shopping at kohls. my nieces love frozen. perfect combo!
I’d love to win, because I’d use this toward buying my 8 year old son some clothes since he’s starting outgrow them. Thanks for the giveaway! :)
I want to win because I want that waffle maker.
I want to win because my kids always need new clothes
I’d like to win so I can buy my family some xmas presents…thanks!
Because of medical issues, money is very tight this Christmas. This would help immensely in getting gifts for my kids and grandson.
I would like to win because I love shopping at Kohl’s for gifts.
tweet https://twitter.com/5memb/status/541619370745536513
I’d like to win because I enjoy shopping for clothes for the grand kids at Kohl’s.
Can’t beat the sales and great customer service!
thank you
I would love to win because my grandkids LOVE Frozen!
i would love to win this for my daughter
I would love to be able to give my granddaughters a Frozen Christmas from Kohl’s!
I want to win to be able to get Christmas presents.
tweet: https://twitter.com/NICKIEISIS3/status/541665842124300288
We need some new bedding so I would use the gift card towards that.
I’d love to win so I can buy some new Christmas PJ’s for the kids!
I would love to get a new Keurig machine! Ours is old and has problems all the time. Thanks for the chance!!
LOVE Kohls. My go to store for the whole family. Could use this card to finish my Christmas shopping!
tvollowitz at aol dot com
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I’d love to win because I love Kohl’s – great selection and super values!
I love to shop at Kohls! It has things for everyone! And myself!!
shared on twitter https://twitter.com/TMelhinch/status/541709325849198593
I want to win because I love Kohls, and I could use this towards Christmas gifts this year.
Thanks for the opportunity :)
Love Kohls just finished my Christmas Shopping there with some jewelry
I would like to win to help out the Christmas shopping this Holiday season.
I like the Disney Frozen Olaf Cuddle Pillow .
I want to win because I love Kohl’s – their clothes and shoes are so fun
I want to win so I can buy some cozy new PJs for winter.
I would love to win because I LOVE Kohls!
I would love to win because our whole family loves to shop at Kohl’s and we would have great fun searching for deals.
I shared the giveaway on Pinterest – http://www.pinterest.com/pin/491807221782707260/
I want to win because I love Kohl’s and I’d love to get my daughter some birthday gifts there.
wanna win so i can get my niece & nephew more goodies!
Kohls has so many amazing bargains at Xmas and such a great selection of Frozen merchandise. $100 would go a long way :)
I want to win because I’m on a fixed income and this would make Christmas merry!
I love Kohl’s so I would love to win this!! And money is tight right now,
I tweeted ! https://twitter.com/Bingomamanorma/status/541828696059817984
I would like to win because it is my favorite place to shop.
I would love to win because i love the products and awesome prices (sales) at Kohls. I’d buy some clothes for my kids and socks for me.
https://twitter.com/Teeanderson01/status/541985065568198657 tweeted.
This would make a great christmas for my girls we love frozen!
shared on twitter!
I would love to win this so I can buy new winter coats for my family.
I’d love to win this because I have to keep up on my ever growing children!
I shared on Google+ https://plus.google.com/100916862876800583189/posts/BUJGCFPNiqA
Would like to win, to do some sales shopping at Kohl’s, they have great sales.
I’d be thrilled to win, and so would my niece, who’d love any of those light up Frozen items (especially the Elsa dress). Thanks!
I tweeted about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/guettel78/status/542094174439211008
I would love to win so that I could get my girls some new clothes. Kohl’s is one of the few places that my oldest daughter can find stuff that she actually likes. Thank you!
I would like to win so that I can go shopping for my daughters
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tweet https://twitter.com/ChelleB36/status/542120403066290177
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I’d like some coffee pods for the cold winter
Would love to win so I could pick up some frozen christmas gifts!
tweeted https://twitter.com/angelgenius27/status/542181092631912448
Daily tweet at https://twitter.com/sbshortie/status/542207795769004032
i want to win to get a keurig
shared https://twitter.com/jtwark/status/542252287519764480
I would like to win because Kohl’s is one of my favorite places to shop.
I would like to win because my granddaughter loves Frozen.
I would like to win because I like to shop at Kohl’s. They have quality products at reasonable prices.
I want to win the gift card because my kids are always in need of new shoes (if they’re not outgrowing them, they are wearing them out at a rapid pace) and Kohl’s has a great shoe selection!
I want to win so I can buy some clothes-especially for my gigantic oldest son!
I’d like to win so that I can buy my two little girls new clothes. They are growing so fast, it’s hard to keep up.
Shared: https://mobile.twitter.com/rebeccaw2005gm/status/542391471114944512
I want to win because I love Kohl’s. It is my second home.
Shared on FB
we would love to win this for my daughter
I would like to win because my little girls are crazy about Frozen!
I shared on Facebook – Leanne Godfrey
I want to win!!!!!
I would like to win because my grandchild loves everything Frozen.
I would love to win to get some cute winter clothes for my daughter.
I want to win because I love Kohl’s clothing and their deals. They carry my favorite brand of jeans and I want more of them soon.
I would like to win this and take my daughter on a little spree.
I would love to win to give the joy of Olaf to my kids
I want to win because I’ve gained weight and need some new clothes.
I love shopping at Kohls…especially getting back Kohls cash!
I want to win to help get winter clothes for my 4 kids.
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/lstanziani/status/542736421854138368
I would be so happy to win this because I would love to buy a pizelle maker like my grandmother had, she made the most delicious Italian cookies and I would love to start that tradition for our family
Shared on Twitter
Kohls is the best place to shop for Christmas gifts, and I have a few more to buy, so this would help.
I want to win because I need to buy my son and daughter both some new jeans. She’s sprouting up again and he’s put the knees out of several pairs of his!
I want to win because I love shopping at Kohls.
kport207 at gmail dot com
i got laid off and my kids love frozen stuff – so i would like to get them frozen things for christmas!
I would love to get my husband some clothes and cologne from Kohls!
I shared the giveaway on FB as T Michelle Trump on 12/10/14
I want to win cause I can walk to the nearest Kohl’s!!
I want to win because I shop at Kohls all the time and it would be great to have an extra $100 to spend.
I want to win my two youngest would love all the frozen especially the olaf waffle maker
I would love to win this giveaway as I could use the gift card to buy some toys for my grandson for Christmas. Thank you for the chance to enter.
because I love shopping at Kohls but who doesnt
My daughter recently discovered Kohl’s – I need all the help I can get. :)
I’d love to win to make my daughters Christmas a bit brighter. Everything is super tight right now.
Shared on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephanie.larison.9/posts/380882952072555?pnref=story
I love the clothing lines Kohls has! My favorite place to shop for clothes!
I shared on google+ https://plus.google.com/101290335014233668855/posts/i9kBpoCXSYf
I would love to win the gift card to buy my nephew a couple of presents. I would buy him the Disney Frozen Olaf Silk Touch Plush Throw and the Disney’s Frozen Hide and Hug Olaf Plush & Book Set.
I want to win so I can buy some new clothes.
I want to win as it is starting to get cold out and I would buy my daughter and son a new coat.
Shared on twitter
I’d love to win to buy the Disney Frozen Elsa light up dress for my daughter. I’m sure I could find many other gift their too, love the selection at Kohls!
I would love to buy my niece an Olaf Cuddle Pillow.
I want to win to get Christmas presents for my kids.
I’m always at Kohls. I love their selection and their sales.
I want to win because my daughter loves Frozen. She would love these.
i love shopping at kohls and haven’t shopped there in a while.would love the chance to go back
i shared on fb https://www.facebook.com/amy.deeter.7/posts/10205350212652777
I want to win because I buy almost all of my slacks at Kohl’s. I like their large petite section very much.
I want to win so I can buy some Christmas items to finish up my present buying list!
I want to win so I can buy my always growing daughters new clothes!
I would love to win because Kohl’s is the one place that my daughter and I both love shopping together.
I’d love to win this so I could get some clothing for my husband, he needs more ties for work. I’d also like to get some of the Frozen clothes for my Niece, and perhaps a new purse.
Shared on Twitter @Ariadanz
I’d love to win this! I had recently moved and unfortunately I had lost a lot of my stuff in a storage unit we were unable to pay for. This would help replace a substantial amount of clothing.
I’d like to get some clothes and maybe some kitchen gadgets.
I would love to win a shopping gift from Kohl’s because they have great prices and styles of kids clothing.
I want to win so that I can buy gifts for my grandchildren. All 3 girls are total Frozen fans!
I want to win this because Kohl’s is a great place to complete all your holiday shopping with gifts for everyone on your list.
I want to win because my daughter needs a new coat!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
I would love to win this gift card, I would use it to buy some baby clothes for my daughter.
I want to win because I would like to give the gift card to my son so he and his wife can get stuff they need for their new home
I want to win so I can buy a new coat!
I want to win because my daughter loves frozen!
foofie135 at gmail.com
foofie135 at gmail.com
I want to win for my kiddos! 100 bucks is a lot of frozen stuff that they would love!
i would love to win so i can go and get some new mommy cloths for my sisterinlaw who is pregnat with her 4th child.
I want to win because I spent a large part of the last 4 months in the hospital and I would love to get my grandsons something amazing for Christmas.
I shared the giveaway on twitter https://twitter.com/dddiva/status/543092865941794817
I want to win because it would help offset the costs of both my son’s 4th birthday and Christmas which are a week apart.
I would love to win because I need to finish my Christmas shopping along with completing my shopping list for my baby. He’s due to arrive right before Christmas and I’d like to get him a few more newborn essentials. My kids would love the Olaf waffle maker.
I shared on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/MACMOMof3/status/543109818005725184
i would like to win so i can use it towards christmas presents at kohl’s. Kohls has the best stuff for gifts.
I want to win so I can buy my husband something for Christmas. He is always getting me things and it would be a nice surprise to get him something. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway and Happy Holidays :)
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
I also tweeted: https://twitter.com/missreneer/status/543116016662745089
fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com
I would love to win because our dress code just changed at work and this would help me get some new pieces. Thanks.
Because it is one of my favorite retailers. They cover everyone in the family.
I would love to win this to get my daughter some shoes and clothes…she needs them!
Like to win to do some shopping
I would like to win to do more Christmas shopping
I want to win because I can use the gift card to buy some cool Frozen stuff for my grandchildren!
These Disney frozen items are so cute. I would love to win them for my granddaughter. Thanks!
I’d love to win because we love the movie Frozen! Those Olaf waffles are too cute
Thank You for the giveaway…it appears that all my girls want for Xmas are clothes, and Kohl’s is their favorite place to shop !
Shared: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/574138652470213823/
I would love to win because I need some new jeans.
I want to win because I love shopping at Kohl’s!
facebook share
I would love to win because, oh my!! My little girl is a huge Frozen fan, and imagine the hero i or her dad would get to be in the mornings, if we’d make her olaf pancakes!! Especially since he’s her favorite in the movie ;)
I want to win so I can get that Olaf waffle maker under the tree! Man, he’s cute!!
I shared it on Twitter: https://twitter.com/mail4rosey/status/543265387010203648
I would love to win because Kohl’s is my go-to store for clothes and shoes. I’d like to buy my kids some new winter boots.
I want to win because we haven’t bought any new clothes in over two years. We’re starting to be threadbare.
Shared on Twitter – https://twitter.com/willitara/status/543281126039511040