(Disclosure: I am a Campbell’s Brand Ambassador and this is a sponsored post but all thoughts are my own.)
I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is just a few days away! I try to keep a thankful attitude all year long but, like many, the holiday really makes me concentrate on what I’m thankful for. This year I am thankful for so much. I’m thankful for my family and especially that we are all healthy and that my children have grown so much since the beginning of the school year. I’m thankful for the fact that both Sinisa and I have jobs and can support our family. I’m also thankful for blogging and everything it’s brought my family and I am thankful for you all, my readers, since I wouldn’t be where I am without you.

I thought it would be fun to ask my children what they are thankful for. Here is what Jacob said: Daddy, Skylanders, Mrs. D (his teacher), and my friends. Lucas said: brother, Daddy, a robot, and Thomas. Do you notice how “mommy” did not make either list? :/ That’s okay though, since I know I have made their list of things to be thankful for in the past and I’m sure they are thankful for me.
One thing we often overlook are the simple things. Things like the air we breathe, the sun peaking out from behind clouds, and the food we have to eat. All those are things to be thankful for!
And speaking of food…Campbell Soup Company has some great ideas for the Thanksgiving table that are kid-friendly. Check out these adorable mini ideas!
Don’t forget to ask The Wisest Kid if you’re forgetting anything on your Thanksgiving table! He can help you plan your Thanksgiving menu. Check out this cute Thanksgiving commercial from Campbell’s. I love Green Bean Casserole! What new recipe will your family enjoy this Thanksgiving?
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