Making Time For Mommy Monday (Week 3)

Picture this: 2 screaming kids under the age of three running around the house from 7ish in the
morning till 8ish at night with a minimal break in the middle of the day from just one child. On
top of all this, a mom who is trying to run a successful business and keep order in the house
while juggling activities, grocery shopping, cleaning, vacuuming, dusting..

Do you see it? It can almost look chaotic. I live it every day so I'm pretty used to it.  Now the
question is where do I find time just for me. With kids this little in age, it's like being a magician
trying to fit in a little Mommy alone time. Each day, I make sure that I get a shower in, even if it's
1 or 2 in the afternoon.  

My husband and I also eat dinner together when he's not working late after the kids have gone to
sleep. The kids usually eat at 5 which is really early for us grownups so it's nice to be able to eat
whatever we want and not have to worry about cutting up food for someone else or clean up their
messes. It also allows us to decompress from the busyness of the day. 

I also DVR a lot of tv shows and watch them after the kids go to bed. It's my way of not having to
watch Olivia or Dora after 8pm. 

Another way that I make time for myself and this might seem a little counterproductive but I work on
my business (Living My MoMent). It brings me back into the adult world and allows me to interact
with people my own age and who have similar interests as me. Yes, I realize that working is not really
just mom time but I love what I do so much that it usually calms me down and brings me back to

Being a work at home mom doesn't give me a whole lot of time to get out and get mani-pedi or
massages. I also have to work out from the comfort of my living room when I have time, but I'm
totally ok with all that. I cherish the time I have with my kids while they are little and know that I will
have plenty of me time from 8:30-3 every week day sooner than I hope.

Abbey Fatica is the owner and CEO of Living My MoMent. Created in April of 2009, Living My
MoMent is committed to being an affordable advertising agency for busy MoMs and DaDs owned
small businesses. Please visit us at Living My MoMent to see how Promoting YOUR MoMent is our
Passion, Purpose & Priority.

Twitter: @LivingMyMoMent
Facebook: Living My MoMent

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