Parenting Advice Needed!

I am SO tired this morning. My youngest son finally learned how to climb out of his crib. He’s two and a half so I knew it was coming but I didn’t realize just how hard it would be to get him to go to sleep. He was up until MIDNIGHT last night! He kept … Read more

Remembering My Unborn Child

Above is one of the only pictures I have of my child, Avery. In 2007 I went in for an ultrasound and discovered I was carrying twins. At the same time the Doctor shared that most likely, baby “A” wouldn’t survive. I was devastated. I had always thought that I didn’t want twins but once … Read more

Motherhood {Saturday Stumbles}

*I love this prayer calendar from Kat at Inspired to Action that gives us 30 topics we can pray for our children. *Great post entitled: Motherhood is Application (here’s an exerpt:  “This isn’t a time for a gospel presentation because it is a time for gospel application. This is a time to take the grace that … Read more

Bullying: Words Can Kill

I normally don’t publish press releases but the preview for this 48 hours special brought tears to my eyes. Please share this with all the parents of tweens and teens that you know and please tune in on September 16th to learn more and potentially save your child’s life. CBS NEWS PRESENTS A 48 HOURS … Read more

Organizing For A New School Year

Jacob starts preschool next week so I am busy preparing our family and our household for everything that this new season of our life will bring. I thought I’d share 10 things I’m doing to get ready for the start of the school year and hope that you will share some of your tips with … Read more

Happy Mother’s Day!

*** Happy Mother’s Day to all of you! Please take time to do something for yourself today!

National Mom’s Nite Out TONIGHT

Today, May 5, is National Moms Nite Out a day where mom’s can go out for the evening and not feel guilty {I even saw one site say that “even inmates get time off  for good behavior”}. Simon Malls is hosting over 100 events at malls all over the United States tonight. You can see … Read more

Rainy Day Fun {Top Ten Tuesday}

As I write this we are having another dreary, rainy day in Chicago. Today’s Top 10 Tuesday is a list of fun things to do with your family on a rainy day: 1. Head to an indoor playground. Many McDonald’s, community centers, and malls have children’s play areas where children can play for free. There … Read more