12 Essential Tips For A Smooth Transition Into A New Home

This is a guest post. I wish I had these tips before I moved last! It would have saved me a lot of headaches. Moving into a new home is a significant life event that brings with it a whirlwind of emotions, from the excitement of starting a new chapter to the stress of ensuring … Read more

Things To Do Before A Family Road Trip

This is a guest post. The family road trip is a rite of passage in American culture. Every generation, we put the pedal to the metal, hit the open road, pack up the camping gear, and explore places that haven’t been discovered yet. There are many considerations you need to think about before you take … Read more

10 Mistakes To Avoid When Saving For Retirement

The following is a guest post from the Indexed Annuity Leadership Council. Whether you’re a working mom or stay-at-home with the kids, saving for retirement can often be put on the back burner. Between staying on budget and wanting to build college funds, finding a little extra to invest in your retirement can be a daunting … Read more

A Parent’s Guide to Eyecare for Kids from Infancy to School Age

Those eyes you’re using now have gone through one heck of a journey. From the moment you’re born, infancy is a crucial time for eye development. WebMD reports kids begin to see things clearly far away only at about 12 to 16 weeks of life. For the next year, a child’s eyesight continues to improve. … Read more

10 Unconventional Ways to Save Money‏

When we think of ultimate frugality, many unreasonable money-saving tactics come to mind. However, there are small, innovative steps you can incorporate into your lifestyle that can yield great results. Some of these tips are optimal for moderate savers who want to save without going to great lengths. The more extreme ideas are geared towards … Read more

Best and Worst Halloween Candy: Avoiding Scary Dental Decay

Halloween is the No. 1 holiday on the kid calendar. They get to dress up, go to parties and make a candy haul that can’t be challenged, even if you add Easter and Christmas together. With the Centers for Disease Control reporting that over 19 percent of children ages 2 to 19 have untreated cavities, … Read more

8 Ways To Be Frugal During a Move‏

Although moving home can be expensive, there are certain tips and tricks you can follow which will help you to keep costs down and make the move as simple and stress-free as possible. It doesn’t matter if you’re purchasing a new property across town or moving to a whole new country, the process is always … Read more

4 Steps You Can Take Today To Live A Happier Life

Happiness isn’t a state of being, says former Johnson & Johnson executive Lynda Wallace; happiness is something happy people do. “Some may say that mimicking people is not good enough – that simply wearing Michael Jordan’s jersey doesn’t make you Michael Jordan – and they’re right. But if you behave more like Jordan in his … Read more