Pack For A Purpose This Holiday Season

For those of you traveling outside the United States this Holiday season I hope you will consider participating in Pack for a Purpose and use available  space in your luggage to provide supplies to communities you visit. Pack for a Purpose has supply lists for destinations on their website that are provided directly by the … Read more

Menu Plan {Nov 21-27th}

This week’s menu plan is really easy because it includes a lot of my favorite type of leftovers: Thanksgiving Day leftovers! yum! *** *** Tuesday: Leftovers *** *** Thursday: Thanksgiving Feasts! *** Friday: Thanksgiving Leftovers *** Saturday: Ham and Green Beans (Old family recipe coming soon!!) *** Sunday: More Leftovers :)

World Vision Gift Catalog {Thai Bracelet Giveaway}

One of my favorite Christmas songs is Give This Christmas Away by Matthew West and Amy Grant. The song talks about giving Christmas away- “it’s feeding the hungry”, “telling the Orphan they aren’t alone anymore”, and giving “someone hope beyond their wildest dreams”. One organization that does this on a daily basis is World Vision. … Read more

$7 for a Two Year Subscription to Parents Magazine

I don’t post many deals but this one was just too good not to share: $7 for a two year subscription to Parents Magazine “Smart parents know that it takes a village to raise a child, and Savvy parents know they can bring that village right to their doorstep with a subscription to Parents Magazine, … Read more

Send Cheer To Military Families With Cheerios {sendCheer}

I am honored to share information about the Cheerios sendCheer campaign with you all! I often write about how you can give a lot without spending a lot and this campaign from Cheerios and the USO is a perfect example of how you can do that. Specially marked boxes of Cheerios can be found in … Read more

Non-Traditional Thanksgiving Desserts

I love pumpkin pie after Thanksgiving dinner but I wanted to share some non-traditional Thanksgiving desserts that I found online. {Click the picture to be taken to the posts they come from.} *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Dearfoams Promotion and Giveaway {3 Winners}

In honor of Happy Feet Two (which comes out tomorrow), Dearfoams has teamed up with Warner Brothers to create a fun and creative contest. They are asking people to create their own comfy, cozy Dearfoam slippers for a chance to win a $1000 gift card or a Dearfoams and Happy Feet Two Prize Package.  The … Read more