Easy Way To Remove Pesticides From Produce (Giveaway)

Thanks to Arm & Hammer for sponsoring this post.

Yesterday I took my three children strawberry picking at a farm in Northern Illinois. As we sat there picking the sweet berries and putting them in the bucket, my two year old started taking some out and biting into them. As strawberry juice ran down her chin and the strawberries stained her little fingers I wondered if the produce was safe to eat without being washed first.

I figured she was eating a bit of dirt but we were at a local farm that’s known for their upick so I thought they’d be pesticide-free. When we got home and I did a little research I discovered that they do use a small amount of pesticides to keep the berries bug free. Did anyone else know that upick places do this?! It’s times like this I’m glad I have Arm & Hammer Fruit and Vegetable Wash and could use it to clean the rest of our freshly picked strawberries before we ate them.

Arm & Hammer Fruit & Vegetable Wash is the only produce wash that combines Arm & Hammer Baking Soda with other pure & simple ingredients for a formula that is scientifically proven to remove pesticides better than water alone. In fact, it removes up to 90% of pesticides on fruits and vegetables.

It’s easy to use- just spray your fruits and vegetables, gently rub, and then rinse under water to remove soil, wax, and pesticides. Best of all, it doesn’t leave any tastes or odors.

Want to try Arm & Hammer’s Fruit & Vegetable Wash for yourself? Find it on Amazon here or enter to win a bottle below!

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