Above is one of the only pictures I have of my child, Avery.
In 2007 I went in for an ultrasound and discovered I was carrying twins. At the same time the Doctor shared that most likely, baby “A” wouldn’t survive.
I was devastated. I had always thought that I didn’t want twins but once I found out I was carrying two children I couldn’t imagine life as anything but a mother of twins. I spent the whole next month hoping for the best but worrying that the baby would not make it.
In December of 2007, my fears were confirmed when only one heartbeat was heard. Though I still had one child growing inside of me I was filled with grief. I wondered what kind of mother I was that I could mourn when I still had life inside of me. That was one of my most difficult and confusing times as a mother.
June 4, 2008, I gave birth to Jacob who was baby “b”. He was healthy and I was thankful that God had given me a son.
In June 2009, I gave birth to Lucas. I had a hard time calling him my second son, since in my mind he was my third child, but I knew that calling him such would confuse people so I say that Lucas is my second child.
Two children later and I still think of baby “a” (who I have since named Avery). Would I be the mother of three rambunctious boys or two wild boys and one sweet, calm girl? Would Avery have had blonde hair like Jacob or brown hair like Lucas or maybe even red like grandpa’s? What would life have been like raising twins?
I will never know.
My prayer today, on Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day, is that no other parents would have to wonder these things, that every mom would give birth to the child they carried and that no parent would have to bury their son or daughter.
If you are raising children I hope that this serves as a reminder of just how blessed you are and that you hug them a little tighter today.
I am grateful every day for my 2 boys but it is always nice to be reminded how extra special they are and appreciate them more. Having been lucky enough so far not to have experienced loss like you, I can’t imagine what it would be like.
Lovely post and I’m off upstairs to check on my babies and stroke their hair as they sleep x
What a beautiful remembrance. You are a special Mum. I am thankful that all went well with our Son who is a healthy 17 now. It really is hard to believe. The years pass so quickly. He will graduate this year. ~Pauline
Thanks for writing about this. I hope you take comfort from this blog I wrote on the subject: http://daniellovett.wordpress.com/2011/08/30/grieving-mother/
Sincerely, Daniel