Announcing a new giveaway…. I have two copies of the book, I Love My Life: A Mom’s Guide to Working from Home to share with you all. I received the books from my dad who got them from his BNI (Business Networking) group and didn’t know what to do with them so I took them off his hands :)
I haven’t read my copy of the book yet since I just got them a couple days ago but it looks like it has a lot of information that I could use in my blogging “business”- especially the chapter on balancing work and home.
The chapters included in this book are titled:
1) Work-At-Home Opportunities
2) How To Discover Your Passion
3) Creating a Business Game Plan
4) Starting Your Home-Based Business
5) Setting Up and Organizing Your Home Office
6) Running Your Business
7) Building a Business Website
8) Creating a Powerful Marketing Strategy
9) Raising Your Toddler Start Up to a Grown Up Business
10) Work/Life Success Strategies
11) Beyond Your Living Room: The Bigger Picture

Now for the methods of entry available (be sure to leave a comment for each one):
1) Subscribe to my blog via RSS
2) Became a fan of my blog on facebook
3) Follow me on Twitter
4) Tell me what job you do from home (or would like to do from home)
5) Comment on another one of my posts and let me know here which one you commented on
6) Tweet: “I just entered to win a book for WAHMs from @aliciamarie112 and you can too!”
7) Grab my button (to the right) and add it to your blog
This giveaway ends on April 30, 2010 at 11:59pm. The winner will be drawn at random and emailed the first week of May. Good luck!
(Disclosure: I received these books for free from my dad because I asked for them. The person who gave them to him didn’t know that I would end up with them and be featuring the book on my blog and doing a giveaway.)
Great Idea – I started my at home business 14 years ago – sometimes it is difficult to breakaway and be mom…. But the benefits of watching my kids grow up in front of my eyes was worth it.
Love to you
I am following Rss feed on Google reader. My husband and I just started a business and we could use any advice we can find. This sounds like something that would be perfect for us.
Fanned you on FB
Well, it’s more my husband’s work, he is in construction but I do the paperwork – when there is any. So, it’s only part home based because obviously he goes to homes or businesses to do his part.
Following you on Twitter – @Ziggywag
I commented on the UBP post