Thanks for visiting! I'm Alicia, the author of this blog, and I love sharing bits of our life here and on social media. Back in 2008, when my oldest was only a month old, I started Making Time For Mommy as a way to make time for myself and meet other moms. I hope this blog encourages you to make time for yourself, gives you ideas for family fun, and provides easy tips you can incorporate into your busy life!      ---read more about me here ---

The One Task I’ve Put Off For Years

This is a sponsored post but all thoughts are my own. I love to-do lists. I love creating them and the satisfaction that comes from crossing tasks off them. I keep my trusty to-do list within reach anytime I am home and it helps keep my ADHD self on task and helps me remember the … Read more

Summer Bucket List: Santa’s Village (Ticket Giveaway)

Thanks to Santa’s Village for sponsoring this post. Summer is officially here and we’ve been busy making memories! We recently spent the day at Santa’s Village and it was just as fun as I remembered, only this time Emma was actually old enough to go on many of the rides by herself! As you can … Read more

Women’s Health Month Giveaway

This is a sponsored post but all thoughts are my own. Did you know that May is National Women’s Health Month? The goal of the month is to empower women to make their health a priority and help women understand what steps they can take to improve their health. May is also Mental Health Month, a … Read more

Children’s Vitamins With Less Sugar (Giveaway)

This is a sponsored post but all thoughts are my own. My children consume plenty of sugar in their diets so I try to cut sugar where I can. One easy way to cut out some sugar? Their daily vitamin! I didn’t even think about the gummy vitamins having sugar but it’s easy to make … Read more

2022 Christmas Gift Guide

This is a sponsored post and contains affiliate links but all thoughts are my own. Happy Holidays! It’s gift giving season and if you haven’t started your shopping yet, you better get started because Christmas is around the corner! I have some amazing gift ideas to share with you this year and I’m also sharing … Read more

Boost Your Immune System This Season (Giveaway)

This is a sponsored post but all thoughts are my own. The last thing we want as parents is to be sick during the holiday season. The tree trimming, gift buying, cookie baking, and other festivities will not pause because mom is sick! We don’t get sick days! So you better believe I’m doing everything … Read more

Pictures on Gold Jewelry Makes A Great Christmas Gift (Giveaway)

Thanks to Pictures on Gold for sponsoring this blog post. Emma’s 4th birthday is right after the holidays so she’s been asking if it’s Christmas for weeks now. Not yet, little lady! It’s getting closer and closer though… guess I better get shopping! If you are looking for the perfect gift I have my gift … Read more